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泥沙问题,sediment problems

1)sediment problems泥沙问题

1.After considering the reservoir operation practice and a large number of prototype monitoring results,the Export Group on Sediment Research of Three Gorges Reservoir has carried out continue study on thesediment problems.泥沙问题是三峡水库的关键技术问题,三峡工程泥沙专家组结合三峡水库的运用实践和大量原型观测成果,跟踪进行了研究分析,并提出了有关三峡水库设计和运行的建议及一系列新认识。


1.Sedimentation embodies the processes of evosion, entrainment, transportation, deposition, and compaction of sediment.泥沙问题包括泥沙的侵蚀、挟带、输移、淤泥和密度的过程。

2.Experimental Studies of Sediment Problems of Gezhouba Project on the Changjiang River长江葛洲坝工程泥沙问题的试验研究

3.The Advance in Physical Modelling of Sedimentation in the Fluctuating Backwater Region of Three Gorges Reservoir三峡水库变动回水区泥沙问题物理摸拟的进展

4.Numerical Simulation of the Tidal Current and Engineering Sediment in Terminal Domain;码头附近潮流场及工程泥沙问题的数值模拟

5.Regulation and effect on siltation in outer channel of Huanghua harbor黄骅港外航道泥沙问题的治理及其效果

6.Sediment problem is an important component of the three big issueses of population, resrouces and enviromnet faced by human beings at present.泥沙问题是当前人类面临三大问题,即人口、源和环境的重要组成部分。

7.The problem of determining critital conditions for entrainment of sediment has long been considered.确定泥沙起动的临界条件问题已经研究很久了。

8.Research advances of several key problems in the numerical simulation of cohesive sediment黏性泥沙数学模拟中几个关键问题的研究进展

9.Main problems and countermeasures of sediment deposition in Weishan Irrigation District位山灌区渠系泥沙淤积的主要问题与治理措施

10.Study of Sediment Accumulation and Diversion of Water to Control Sediment in Hydropower Stations in Mountain River山区河流引水式电站水库泥沙淤积及电站引水防沙问题研究

11.Sedimentation is of vital concern in the conservation, development, and utilization of our soil and water resources.泥沙淤积问题是水土资源的保持,开发和利用中最受关心的事。

12.Calculation Results and Sensitivity Analysis of Channel Deformation on the Brahmaputra River in Bangladesh孟加拉国布河河道泥沙数学模型计算中几个问题的探讨

13.The Research of Preventing and Handling for the Problems of Sediment and Salinization in Yellow Diversion Irrigated Area;引黄灌区泥沙和盐渍化问题预防与处理方法研究

14.Preliminary study on sediment resources utilization in irrigation districts along the lower Yellow River;浅谈引黄灌区区域泥沙资源化实践中的若干问题

15.Advances in Studies of River Sediment and Fluvial Processes of the Upper-Yangtze River in Earthquake Background地震背景下的川江流域泥沙与河床演变问题研究进展

16.Many problems in sediment engineering involve dealing with river valley deposits as a whole.泥沙工程中的许多问题都把河流的河谷沉积物作为一个整体来研究。

17.Study on Basic Question about the Combustion of Sludge in Cement Rotary Kiln;污泥在水泥窑中焚烧处理的基础问题研究

18.Study on Problems in Sand Consolidation Measures for the Taklimakan Desert Highway塔克拉玛干沙漠公路固沙措施存在问题研究


problems of water and sands水沙问题

3)Nansha Question南沙问题

4)sludge problem污泥问题

5)loaded question含沙射影韵问题


1.Research on O′-SiAlON/SiC in situ synthesis using thesand of Yangtze River;利用长江泥沙原位合成O′-SiAlON/SiC材料的研究

2.A three-dimensionalsand diffusion model in Qiongzhou Channel;琼州海峡的一个三维泥沙扩散模式

3.Measurement forsand sedimentation control and effect analysis of Lubuge reservoir;鲁布革水库控制泥沙淤积的措施及效果分析


科素亚 ,氯沙坦钾,氯沙坦, 芦沙坦, 洛沙坦药物名称:洛沙坦英文名:Losartan别名: 科素亚 ,氯沙坦钾,氯沙坦, 芦沙坦, 洛沙坦外文名:Losartan, Cozaar, Novartis成分: 氯沙坦钾 适应症: 高血压。 用量用法: 通常剂量为50mg,qd,治疗3-6周后达到最大抗高血压效应。在部分病人中,每天剂量可增加到100mg。血容量不足的病人(例如应用大量利尿剂)起始剂量应该为25mg,qd。 禁忌: 儿童,妊娠和哺乳妇女。 不良反应: 轻微而短暂的头晕,剂量相关性体位性低血压。罕见皮疹、荨麻疹,血管神经性水肿(包括面、唇和/或舌肿胀)。腹泻及偏头痛。偶有高血钾,罕见ALT升高。敏感个体和动脉狭窄的病人可出现肾功能异常。 注意事项: 血容量不足的病人应先补充血容量,减少起始剂量。有肝功能损害病人应使用较低剂量。 规格: 片剂 50mg x 7片。 类别:抗高血压药

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